Information for Voters

Your vote truly does matter. Make sure you are registered to vote, then vote for Debbie Kring in the November 7th election.

Are You Registered to Vote?

Not sure if you’re registered to vote? You can find out online at Johnson County Election Commission website. If you have any questions about the voter registration process or voting in general, you can review the “Your Guide to Kansas Elections” website.

Register to Vote.

If you are not yet registered to vote or have recently moved into Mission, you must update your voter registration before you can vote in the next election. You can find out where and how to register to vote on the Johnson County Election Commission website.

Advance Voting.

If you are registered to vote, you can cast your ballot in advance of the election either by mail or in person. More information on advance voting and all necessary forms are available on the Johnson County Election Commission website.

Find Your Polling Location.

Not sure where you are supposed to vote in person? Find your polling location on theĀ Johnson County Election Commission website website.

Your vote will make a difference! On November 7th I would appreciate your vote for Debbie Kring as your Ward 3 Representative on the Mission City Council.